
According to me Art is a form of expression, and it can be created by anyone who wants to express themselves creatively. Many famous artists throughout history may have been self-taught or have come from non-artistic backgrounds. Therefore, the idea that only professional artists can create art is not entirely accurate.

However, there is a certain level of skill and knowledge that is typically associated with the creation of art. While anyone can create art, it does not necessarily mean that the art they create is of the same quality as the work produced by trained artists. 

Nonetheless, the beauty of art is that it can be interpreted in various ways by different people. What may be considered “bad art” by some may be appreciated and valued by others.

So anyone can create art, and the value and interpretation of that art are subjective. While training and expertise can enhance the quality of art, the emotional and personal expression of the artist is what truly matters.

I have always had a passion for creating art, even though I may not consider myself a professional artist. I find joy in sketching and drawing landscapes, as it allows me to express my love for nature and the beauty that surrounds us. Doodling is also a favorite pastime of mine, as it allows me to let my creativity flow freely without any expectations or pressure. 

Recently, I have been exploring the meditative practice of creating mandala art, which has become a therapeutic outlet for me. I like to think of my art as instinctive, as it comes from a place of pure emotion and expression. Whether it’s a quick sketch or a more intricate mandala, each piece is a reflection of my innermost thoughts and feelings